Compactness and tower forcing


Dr Sean Cox


University of Muenster, Gemany


Monday, October 10, 2011 - 4:00pm


RH 440R

There are several examples in the literature where compactness properties of a cardinal $\kappa$ imply "bad" behavior of certain generic ultrapowers with critical point $\kappa$; particularly generic ultrapowers associated with tower forcings (Woodin's stationary tower forcing is an example of a tower forcing). I will discuss instances of this phenomenon due to Burke, Foreman-Magidor, and Cox-Viale.

The Diagonal Reflection Principle and well-determined ultrapowers II


Dr Sean Cox


University of Muenster, Gemany


Monday, October 3, 2011 - 4:00pm


RH 440R

I will discuss the Diagonal Reflection Principle (DRP), which is a highly simultaneous form of stationary set reflection that follows from strong forcing axioms like $PFA^{+\omega_1}$. DRP can be viewed as a weaker version of the statement "there is a normal ideal with completeness $\omega_2$ whose associated poset is proper (i.e. preserves stationary subsets of $[X]^\omega$ for all $X$)". In the presence of sufficiently absolute partitions of $cof(\omega)$, such ideals yield generic embeddings $j: V \to_G ult(V,G)$ with critical point $\omega_2$ such that large portions of $j$ are visible to $V$.

The Diagonal Reflection Principle and well-determined generic ultrapowers


Dr Sean Cox


University of Muenster, Gemany


Monday, September 26, 2011 - 4:00pm


RH 440R

I will discuss the Diagonal Reflection Principle (DRP), which is a highly simultaneous form of stationary set reflection that follows from strong forcing axioms like $PFA^{+\omega_1}$. DRP can be viewed as a weaker version of the statement "there is a normal ideal with completeness $\omega_2$ whose associated poset is proper (i.e. preserves stationary subsets of $[X]^\omega$ for all $X$)". In the presence of sufficiently absolute partitions of $cof(\omega)$, such ideals yield generic embeddings $j: V \to_G ult(V,G)$ with critical point $\omega_2$ such that large portions of $j$ are visible to $V$.

Regularity of rotational travelling water waves


Professor Joachim Escher


Leibniz University, Germany


Thursday, November 10, 2011 - 4:00pm


RH 306

Several recent results on the regularity of streamlines beneath a rotational travelling wave, along with the wave profile itself, will be discussed.

The talk includes the classical water wave problem in both finite and infinite depth, capillary waves, and solitary waves as well. A common assumption in all models to be discussed is the absence of stagnation points.


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