Mathematical Modeling of Language


Jacquelyn Rische


University of California, Irvine, Math. Department


Wednesday, January 23, 2013 - 4:00pm


Rowland Hall 440R

Talk Abstract:
In this talk, we will look at mathematical modeling of language using computer simulations. Using these models, we study how individuals with language spread through a population of individuals without language. We consider a population without language on one- and two-dimensional grids. Language will appear in the population through a genetic mutation. To study how the language group will grow, we focus on the effects of talking and movement. If two individuals with language are next to each other on the grid, they can communicate. We consider their ability to talk to be advantageous, giving them a higher reproduction rate. Individuals are also able to move around on the grid and reproduce within a certain radius, called the jump radius. We are looking at how these affect the time it takes for the individuals with language to invade the population. We find that, for a two-dimensional grid, a jump radius that is too small or too large will increase the time it takes to invade. For a one-dimensional grid, we do not see the same effect. The time to invasion decreases as the jump radius increases.

On convolutions of singular measures and sums of Cantor sets


Anton Gorodetski


UC Irvine


Tuesday, January 22, 2013 - 1:00pm to 2:00pm


RH 440R

A convolution of two singular continuous measures can be singular continuous or absolutely continuous (or of a mixed type). It is usually hard to determine which case is present for a specific pair of measures. It turnes out that for measures of maximal entropy of large Hausdorff dimension supported on dynamically defined Cantor sets generically the convolution is a.c. (this is a joint result with D.Damanik and B.Solomyak). This is in a sense a measure-theoretical counterpart of the claim (known as Newhouse Gap Lemma) that the sum of two sufficiently thick Cantor sets must contain an interval. 

The Eukaryotic Cell Cycle: Molecules, Mechanisms and Mathematical Models


John Tyson


Virginia Tech


Tuesday, January 22, 2013 - 3:00pm to 4:00pm



Nat Sci I, Room 1114 (basement)

The fundamental processes of DNA synthesis, mitosis and cell division in eukaryotic cells are controlled by a complex network of interacting genes and proteins focused on periodic activation of a family of master regulators, the cyclin-dependent protein kinases (CDKs). This regulatory network must ensure the strict alternation of DNA synthesis (S phase) and mitosis (M phase) and the proper coordination of cell division with cell growth. Moreover, the control system must operate robustly in the face of considerable molecular noise that is unavoidable in the small confines of a yeast cell. After reviewing the basic molecular biology of the CDK regulatory network in budding yeast, I will examine the physiological consequences of the reaction mechanism by mathematical and computational modeling. Deterministic models (differential equations) describe the average behavior of populations of yeast cells, and stochastic models address issues of variability and robustness in individual cells. Both types of models will be evaluated in light of quantitative experimental observations.

Asymptotic and bifurcation analysis of a travelling wave based mechanism for cell polarization


Alexandra Jilkine


University of Arizona


Thursday, January 24, 2013 - 4:00pm to 5:00pm


RH 306

The ability of eukaryotic cells to polarize is essential for their division, differentiation into distinct tissues, and migration. During polarization various polarity proteins segregate to form a distinct front and rear. To understand a mechanism for polarization we consider a simplified PDE model describing the interchange of a polarity protein,  between an active membrane-bound form and an inactive cytosolic form. An initial transient signal results in a traveling front of activation that stops at some point in the domain, representing segregation of the cell into front and back. Using phase plane methods and numerical continuation we analyze the transition from a spatially heterogeneous (pinned wave) to a spatially homogeneous steady state as the ratio of the diffusion coefficients of the two forms and the total amount of material in the domain is varied. We discover a second spatially heterogeneous solution that acts as a threshold for polarity establishment, and give biological interpretation for this phenomenon.

Actin traveling waves in motile cells


Jun Allard


UC Davis


Wednesday, January 30, 2013 - 4:00pm to 5:00pm



RH 306

Traveling waves in actin have recently been reported in many cell types. Fish keratocyte cells, which usually exhibit rapid and steady motility, exhibit traveling waves of protrusion when plated on highly adhesive surfaces. We hypothesize that waving arises from a competition between actin polymerization and mature adhesions for VASP, a protein that associates with growing actin barbed ends. We developed a mathematical model of actin protrusion coupled with membrane tension, adhesions and VASP. The model is formulated as a system of partial differential equations with a nonlocal integral term and noise. Simulations of this model lead to a number of predictions, for example, that overexpression of VASP prevents waving, but depletion of VASP does not increase the fraction of cells that wave. The model also predicts that VASP exhibits a traveling wave whose peak is out of phase with the F-actin wave. Further experiments confirmed these predictions and provided quantitative data to estimate the model parameters. We thus conclude that the waves are the result of competition between actin and adhesions for VASP, rather than a regulatory biochemical oscillator or mechanical tag-of-war. We hypothesize that this waving behavior contributes to adaptation of cell motility mechanisms in perturbed environments.


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