Computational Methods for Fluid-Structure Interactions Subject to Thermal Fluctuations : Applications in Soft Materials and Microfluidics


Paul Atzberger


UC Santa Barbara


Monday, October 20, 2014 - 4:00pm to 5:00pm




Fluctuating hydrodynamic descriptions provide a promising approach for modelling and simulating elastic structures that interact with a fluid when subject to thermal fluctuations.  This allows for capturing simultaneously such effects as the Brownian motion of spatially extended mechanical structures as well as their hydrodynamic  coupling and responses to external flows.  A significant advantage of this approach over alternative methods is the ability to handle the hydrodynamic equations directly using spatially adaptive discretizations or using domains having complex geometries.  However, this presents the challenge of numerically approximating a set of stochastic partial differential equations whose solutions are non-classical and only defined in the generalised sense of distributions.  We introduce stochastic discretization procedures based on ideas from statistical mechanics and we show how efficient stochastic computational methods can be developed.  We demonstrate our methods in the context of applications including the simulation of particles within microfluidic devices and the rheological responses of soft materials.  We also survey the current challenges in this field and opportunities for developing new more scalable algorithms.

Quantum Hall effect: Derivation of the Kubo-Streda formula


Alexander Elgart


Virginia Tech


Thursday, October 2, 2014 - 2:00pm


RH 340P

Abstract: The Hall effect is the production of a voltage difference across a conductor, transverse to an electric current, in a presence of a magnetic field in the normal direction. At very low temperatures,  the (quantum) Hall conductance as a function of the strength of the magnetic field exhibited a staircase sequence of wide plateaus. The successive values of the Hall conductance turn out to be integer multiples of e^2/h, with remarkable precision (here e is the elementary charge and h is Planck's constant). This quantization can be understood in terms of topological invariant given by the Kubo-Streda formula. I will discuss the properties of the Kubo-Streda formula and its derivation in the adiabatic setting.  

Stochastic Reaction-Diffusion Methods for Modeling Cellular Processes


Samuel Isaacson


Boston University


Monday, December 8, 2014 - 4:00pm to 5:00pm




Particle-based stochastic reaction diffusion methods have become a popular approach for studying the behavior of cellular processes in which both spatial transport and noise in the chemical reaction process can be important. While the corresponding deterministic, mean-field models given by reaction-diffusion PDEs are well-established, there are a plethora of different stochastic models that have been used to study biological systems, along with a wide variety of proposed numerical solution methods.

In this talk I will introduce our attempt to rectify the major drawback to one of the most popular particle-based stochastic reaction-diffusion models, the lattice reaction-diffusion master equation (RDME). We propose a modified version of the RDME that converges in the continuum limit that the lattice spacing approaches zero to an appropriate spatially-continuous model. I will then discuss some application areas to which we are applying these methods, focusing on how the complicated ultrastructure within cells, as reconstructed from X-ray CT images, might influence the dynamics of cellular processes.

Analysis of Point Pattern Imaging Data using Log Gaussian Cox Processes with Spatially Varying Coefficients


Timothy Johnson


University of Michigan


Monday, February 9, 2015 - 4:00pm to 5:00pm



RH 306

Log Gaussian Cox Processes (LGCP) are used extensively to model point pattern data. In these models, the log intensity function is modeled semi- parametrically as a linear combination of spatially varying covariates with scalar coefficients plus a Gaussian process that models the random spatial variation. Almost exclusively, the point pattern data are a single realization from the driving point process. In contrast, our motivating data are lesion locations from a cohort of Multiple Sclerosis patients with patient specific covariates measuring disease severity. Patient specific covariates enter the model as a linear combination with spatially varying coefficients. Our goal is to correlate disease severity with lesion location within the brain. Estimation of the LGCP intensity function is typically performed in the Bayesian framework using the Metropolis adjusted Langevin algorithm (MALA) and, more recently, Riemannian manifold Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (RMHMC). Due to the extremely large size of our problem -- 3D data (64x64x64) on 240 subjects -- we show that MALA performs poorly in terms of posterior sampling and that RMHMC is computationally intractable. As a compromise between these two extremes, we show that posterior estimation via Hamiltonian Monte Carlo performs exceptionally well in terms of speed of convergence and Markov chain mixing properties.

Measuring Systemic Risk by Quantifying the Efficient Market Hypothesis


David Levermore


University of Maryland


Friday, May 15, 2015 - 3:00pm to 4:00pm



RH 340N

 The weak efficient market hypothesis can be interpreted as asserting that major market indices should lie near the Markowitz efficient frontier.  This is seen in many years, but not in years before large market downturns.  Most notably, it was not seen in most of 2007 and 2008 leading up the the crash of 2008.  Indeed, all the major indices were found on the Markowitz inefficient frontier right after the crash. More generally, we consider a frontier computed for Markowitz portfolios that hold only long positions, which lies to the right of the classical Markowitz frontier. For many years this so-called long frontier lies close to the Markowitz frontier, but not in years of market volatility. The question will be posed, but not answered, if this separation is a measure of a market exposed to large short positions that could contribute to a systemic downturn.

Evans-Krylov type theorem for twisted Monge-Ampere equations


Micah Warren


University of Oregon


Tuesday, October 14, 2014 - 4:00pm to 5:00pm



RH 306

Motivated by the pluriclosed flow of Streets and Tian, we establish
Evans-Krylov type estimates for parabolic "twisted" Monge-Ampere
equations in both the real and complex setting. In particular, a bound
on the second derivatives on solutions to these equations yields bounds
on Holder norms of the second derivatives. These equations are
parabolic but neither not convex nor concave, so the celebrated proof of
Evans-Krylov does not apply. In the real case, the method exploits a
partial Legendre transform to form second derivative quantities which
are subsolutions. Despite the lack of a bona fide complex Legendre
transform, we show the result holds in the complex case as well, by
formally aping the calculation. This is joint work with Jeff Streets.

Hardy spaces associated to the discrete Laplacians on graphs and boundedness of singular integrals


Xuan Duong


Macquarie University, Australia


Thursday, October 2, 2014 - 11:00am to 12:00pm



RH 340P

Let $\Gamma$ be a graph with a weight $\sigma$. Let $d$ and $\mu$ be the distance and the measure associated with $\sigma$ such that $(\Gamma, d, \mu)$ is a doubling space. Let $p$ be the natural reversible Markov kernel associated with $\sigma$ and $\mu$  and $P$ the associated
operator defined by $Pf(x) = \sum_{y} p(x, y)f(y)$. Denote by $L=I-P$ the discrete Laplacian on $\Gamma$. 
In this talk we develop the theory of Hardy spaces associated to the discrete Laplacian $H^p_L$ for $0<p\leq 1$. We then obtain boundedness of certain singular integrals on $\Gamma$ such as square functions, spectral multipliers and Riesz transforms on the Hardy spaces $H^p_L$. This is joint work with The Anh Bui.


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