From quantum coin tossing to classical mechanics


Michael Bjorklund


Chalmers University, Sweden


Thursday, April 9, 2015 - 4:00pm to 5:00pm



Rowland Hall 306

After briefly reviewing some basic aspects of quantum
probability theory, especially questions surrounding a
celebrated theorem of Gleason, we turn to analogues of
quantum probabilities studied in symplectic geometry
known as quasi-states, which are functions on Lie algebras
which are linear on abelian sub-algebras.

A prototypical (and well-studied) example is the so called
Maslov index. We will discuss the existence of non-linear quasi-states on
various families of finite-dimensional Lie algebras. No fluency
in the language of Lie algebras will be assumed.

Joint work with Tobias Hartnick (Technion).

Sinai-Ruelle-Bowen (SRB) measures as "physical” measures in dynamics


Yakov Pesin


Penn State University


Tuesday, April 21, 2015 - 1:00pm to 2:00pm



RH 440R

In this series of three lectures I will consider SRB measures (after Sinai, Ruelle and Bowen) which arguably form one of the most important classes of invariant measures with “chaotic” behavior in dynamics. This ensures a crucial role they play in applications of dynamical systems to science (this is why they are often called “physical measures”).

In the first lecture I introduce these measures and describe their ergodic properties. I also outline a construction of SRB measures for Anosov systems.

In the second lecture I consider the case of partially hyperbolic dynamical systems and outline a construction of SRB measures in this case. I also discuss an important role SRB measures play in the Pugh-Shub Stable Ergodicity problem (and I will also discuss this problem in a general setting).

The third lecture deals with the most general situation of the so-called “chaotic” attractors (or attractors with non-zero Lyapunov exponents), which appear in many models in physics, biology, etc. I will present a general rigorous definition of chaotic attractors and outline a construction to build SRB measures for this attractors.

While the first lecture will serve as an introduction to the subject and will be accessible for students, the other two lectures are more advanced.

SRB measures for chaotic attractors


Yakov Pesin


Penn State University


Tuesday, May 5, 2015 - 1:00pm



RH 440R

In this series of three lectures I will consider SRB measures (after Sinai, Ruelle and Bowen) which arguably form one of the most important classes of invariant measures with “chaotic” behavior in dynamics. This ensures a crucial role they play in applications of dynamical systems to science (this is why they are often called “physical measures”).

In the first lecture I introduce these measures and describe their ergodic properties. I also outline a construction of SRB measures for Anosov systems.

In the second lecture I consider the case of partially hyperbolic dynamical systems and outline a construction of SRB measures in this case. I also discuss an important role SRB measures play in the Pugh-Shub Stable Ergodicity problem (and I will also discuss this problem in a general setting).

The third lecture deals with the most general situation of the so-called “chaotic” attractors (or attractors with non-zero Lyapunov exponents), which appear in many models in physics, biology, etc. I will present a general rigorous definition of chaotic attractors and outline a construction to build SRB measures for this attractors.

While the first lecture will serve as an introduction to the subject and will be accessible for students, the other two lectures are more advanced.

SRB measures for partially hyperbolic systems


Yakov Pesin


Penn State University


Tuesday, April 28, 2015 - 1:00pm to 2:00pm



RH 440R

In this series of three lectures I will consider SRB measures (after Sinai, Ruelle and Bowen) which arguably form one of the most important classes of invariant measures with “chaotic” behavior in dynamics. This ensures a crucial role they play in applications of dynamical systems to science (this is why they are often called “physical measures”).

In the first lecture I introduce these measures and describe their ergodic properties. I also outline a construction of SRB measures for Anosov systems.

In the second lecture I consider the case of partially hyperbolic dynamical systems and outline a construction of SRB measures in this case. I also discuss an important role SRB measures play in the Pugh-Shub Stable Ergodicity problem (and I will also discuss this problem in a general setting).

The third lecture deals with the most general situation of the so-called “chaotic” attractors (or attractors with non-zero Lyapunov exponents), which appear in many models in physics, biology, etc. I will present a general rigorous definition of chaotic attractors and outline a construction to build SRB measures for this attractors.

While the first lecture will serve as an introduction to the subject and will be accessible for students, the other two lectures are more advanced.

A symbolic representation of Anosov-Katok Diffeomorphisms IV


Matt Foreman


UC Irvine


Tuesday, April 14, 2015 - 1:00pm to 2:00pm


RH 440R

I present joint work with B. Weiss that describes a concrete operation on words that allows one to generate symbolic representations of Anosov-Katok diffeomorphisms. We show that each A-K diffeomorphism can be represented this way and that each symbolic system generated by this operation can be realized as an A-K diffeomorphism.


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