
Bianca Viray


University of Washington


Monday, March 10, 2025 - 4:00pm to 5:00pm



RH 340N

The Mordell Conjecture (proved by Faltings in 1983) is a landmark result exemplifying the philosophy "Geometry controls arithmetic". It states that the genus of an algebraic curve, a purely topological invariant that can be computed over the complex numbers, determines whether the curve may have infinitely many rational points. However, it also implies that we can never hope to understand the arithmetic of a higher genus curve solely by studying its rational points over a fixed number field. In this talk, we will introduce the concepts of parametrized points and density degree sets and show how they, together with the Mordell-Lang conjecture (proved by Faltings in 1994), allow us to organize all algebraic points on a curve.