Seminars this week:

Mon Oct 18, 2021

Probability and Analysis Webinar
Cristina Benea (University of Nantes) will speak on:

Time/Location: 12:00pm in Zoom

Applied and Computational Mathematics
Peter Hinow (University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee) will speak on:
Mathematical Modeling of Drug Delivery to the Brain

Time/Location: 4:00pm in Zoom

Tue Oct 19, 2021

Dynamical Systems
Michael Yampolsky (Toronto University) will speak on:
Chaotic dynamics meets computer science: a study of computability of Julia sets

Time/Location: 1:00pm in Zoom

Differential Geometry
Teng Fei (Rutgers University) will speak on:

Time/Location: 4:00pm to 5:00pm in NS2 1201

Wed Oct 20, 2021

Combinatorics and Probability
Asaf Ferber (UCI) will speak on:
Odd subgraphs are odd

Time/Location: 2:00pm to 3:00pm in 510R

Thu Oct 21, 2021

Inverse Problems
Jingni Xiao (Rutgers University) will speak on:
Nonscattering Wavenumbers

Time/Location: 9:00am to 10:00am in Zoom

Number Theory
Natalie Evans (King's College) will speak on:

Time/Location: 10:00am to 10:50am in Zoom

Harmonic Analysis
Stefan Steinerberger (University of Washington) will speak on:
The Nicest Average and New Uncertainty Principles for the Fourier Transform

Time/Location: 11:00am in zoom ID: 949 5980 5461. Password: the last four digits of the zoom ID in the reverse order