Seminars this week:

Mon Jan 13, 2020

Geometry and Topology
Jiawei Zhou (Tsinghua University) will speak on:
A twist on A-infinity algebras and its application on symplectic manifolds

Time/Location: 4:00pm in RH 340P

Applied and Computational Mathematics
Haizhao Yang (Purdue University) will speak on:
Fast algorithms for deep learning-based PDE solvers

Time/Location: 4:00pm to 5:00pm in RH 306

Tue Jan 14, 2020

Hyungwoon Koo (Korea University) will speak on:
Compact difference of composition operators

Time/Location: 3:00am to 3:50am in RH 306

Combinatorics and Probability
Gwen McKinley (MIT) will speak on:
Super-logarithmic cliques in dense inhomogeneous random graphs

Time/Location: 11:00am to 12:00pm in 340R

Amirhossein Taghvaei (UC Irvine) will speak on:
Sufficient statistics and data-processing

Time/Location: 2:00pm to 2:50pm in RH 510R

Differential Geometry
Peter Smillie (Caltech) will speak on:
CMC surfaces in Minkowski space

Time/Location: 4:00pm in RH 306

Wed Jan 15, 2020

Harmonic Analysis
Fernando Quintino (UCI) will speak on:
Phase transition of capacity for the uniform $G_{\delta}$-sets and another counterexample to Nevanlinna's conjecture

Time/Location: 3:00pm in 340P

Thu Jan 16, 2020

Number Theory
Joe Kramer-Miller (UC Irvine) will speak on:

Time/Location: 3:00pm to 4:00pm in RH 306