Seminars this week:

Mon Oct 28, 2019

Differential Geometry
Xianzhe Dai (UC Santa Barbara) will speak on:
Witten deformation on noncompact manifolds

Time/Location: 4:00pm in RH 340P

Geometry and Topology
Xianzhe Dai (UC Santa Barbara) will speak on:
Witten deformation on noncompact manifolds

Time/Location: 4:00pm in RH 340P

Logic Set Theory
Erik Walsberg (UCI) will speak on:
Model companions of unions of model complete theories

Time/Location: 4:00pm in RH 440R

Tue Oct 29, 2019

Mikhail Karpukhin (UC Irvine) will speak on:
Analytic aspects of isoperimetric inequalities for Laplacian eigenvalues

Time/Location: 3:00am in RH 440

Applied and Computational Mathematics
Xinfeng Liu (University of South Carolina ) will speak on:
Integration factor method for a class of high order differential equations with moving free boundaries

Time/Location: 10:00am to 11:00am in RH306

Special Seminar
Gary Green (Aerospace Corporation) will speak on:
Gamma Guidance - Mathematics Applied to a Launch Vehicle

Time/Location: 12:30pm to 1:30pm in Natural Sciences II room 1201

Working Group in Information Theory
John Peca-Medlin (UCI) will speak on:
Pinsker’s Inequality and Differential Entropy

Time/Location: 2:00pm in RH 510R

Thu Oct 31, 2019

Number Theory
Jeff Manning (UCLA) will speak on:

Time/Location: 3:00pm to 4:00pm in RH 440R

Fri Nov 1, 2019

Shahed Sharif (Cal State University San Marcos) will speak on:
Report on "How to not break SIDH"

Time/Location: 1:00pm in RH 440R

Graduate Seminar
Jasmine Tilghman (UC Irvine) will speak on:
Graduate seminar: TBA

Time/Location: 4:00pm in PSCB 140