Seminars this week:

Mon May 6, 2019

Geometry and Topology
Steve Trettel (UCSB) will speak on:
Projective Geometry, Complex Hyperbolic Space, and Geometric Transitions.

Time/Location: 4:00pm to 5:00pm in RH 340P

Applied and Computational Mathematics
Xiaojing Ye (Georgia State) will speak on:
Decentralized consensus optimization on networks with delayed and stochastic gradients

Time/Location: 4:00pm to 5:00pm in RH 306

Tue May 7, 2019

Mark Rudelson (University of Michigan) will speak on:
Invertibility of adjacency matrices of random graphs

Time/Location: 11:00am in RH 510M

Ming Xiao (UCSD) will speak on:
A high order Hopf Lemma for mappings into classical domains and applications

Time/Location: 3:00pm to 3:50pm in RH 306

Differential Geometry
Steve Gindi (UC Riverside) will speak on:

Time/Location: 4:00pm in RH306

Wed May 8, 2019

Yuri Zarhin (Penn State University) will speak on:
Jordan properties of automorphism groups of algebraic varieties

Time/Location: 4:00pm to 4:50pm in RH 340P

Thu May 9, 2019

Probability Preprint Seminar
Jennifer Bryson (UCI) will speak on:
Multi-scale exploration of convex functions and bandit convex optimization

Time/Location: 12:00pm in RH 440R

Number Theory
Yuri Zarhin (Penn State University) will speak on:
Torsion points on odd degree hyperelliptic curves

Time/Location: 3:00pm to 4:00pm in RH306

Gabor Szekelyhidi (University of Notre Dame) will speak on:
Gromov-Hausdorff limits of Kahler manifolds

Time/Location: 4:00pm to 5:00pm in RH 306

Fri May 10, 2019

Shahed Sharif (California State University San Marcos) will speak on:

Time/Location: 11:00am to 11:50am in PSCB 220

Graduate Seminar
Jeff Viaclovsky (UC Irvine) will speak on:

Time/Location: 4:00pm in PSCB 140