
Richard Wentworth


University of Maryland


Tuesday, April 28, 2015 - 4:00pm


RH 306

For a closed Riemann surface X and complex reductive Lie
group G, the moduli space of G-Higgs bundles on X
is a hyperkaehler algebraic completely integrable system
that plays an important role in moduli space theory,
representations of surface groups, and supersymmetric gauge
theories.  The uniformization of X and the choice of a principal SL2 in G
give rise to a distinguished point in the moduli space called the
Fuchsian point.  In this talk I will discuss the first order
behavior of certain geometric and dynamical quantities at the
Fuchsian point. These may be regarded as "higher" analogs of
results in Teichmueller theory and for complex projective
structures.  This is joint work with Francois Labourie.