
Nam Trang


UC Berkeley


Thursday, May 24, 2012 - 4:00pm



RH 340P

For each \alpha < \omega_1, let

X_\alpha = \{f : \omega^\alpha \rightarro\powerset_{\omega_1}(\mathbb{R})| f is increasing and continuous}

and \mu_\alpha be a normal fine measure on X_\alpha. We identify X_0 with \powerset_{\omega_1}(R). Martin and Woodin independently showed that these measures exist assuming (ZF + DC_\mathbb{R}) + AD + Every set is Suslin (\mu_0's existence was originally shown by Solovay from AD_\mathbb{R}). We sketch the proof of the derived model construction giving the existence of these measures (+ AD^+) from large cardinals and the Prikry forcing construction which gives back the exact large cardinal strength from AD^+ and the measure. If time allows, we will survey some theorems on the structure theory of the model L(\mathbb{R},\mu_\alpha) assuming the model satisfies \Theta > \omega_2 and \mu_\alpha is a normal fine measure on X_\alpha. Here the main theorem is that our assumption implies L(\mathbb{R},\mu_\alpha) satisfies AD^+