
Lauri Oksanen


University of Helsinki


Thursday, January 12, 2012 - 4:00pm


RH 306

We consider boundary measurements for the wave equation on a bounded domain $M \subset \R^2$ or on a compact Riemannian surface, and introduce a method to locate a discontinuity in the wave speed. Assuming that the wave speed consist of an inclusion in a known smooth background, the method can determine the distance from any boundary point to the inclusion. In the case of a known constant background wave speed, the method reconstructs a set contained in the convex hull of the inclusion and containing the inclusion. Even if the background wave speed is unknown, the method can reconstruct the distance from each boundary point to the inclusion assuming that the Riemannian metric tensor determined by the wave speed gives simple geometry in $M$. Computationally the method consists of solving a sequence of linear equations. We present some numerical results.