
Professor Zhiqiang Cai


Purdue University


Monday, October 22, 2007 - 4:00pm


MSTB 254

All computational results obtained from computer simulations of
physical phenomena involve numerical error. Discretization error can
be large, pervasive, unpredictable by classical heuristic means, and
can invalidate numerical predictions. The {\it a posteriori} error
estimation is a mathematical theory for estimating and quantifying
discretization error based on information gained during the current
stage of the computation. In this talk, I will first give an
introductory review of existing {\it a posteriori} error estimators,
and then introduce two new estimators. One of them is a modification
of the recovery-based estimator and the other is exactly equal to
the true error in an ``energy'' norm on any given mesh. Numerical
examples will also be presented.