Professor Edriss Titi will be one of five plenary speakers at the 2012 Annual Meeting of the Canadian Applied and Industrial Mathematics Society. He will speak on Recent Progress Regarding the Navier-Stokes, Euler and Related Geophysical Equations. For more information, please visit the conference website: http://www.fields.utoronto.ca/programs/scientific/11-12/CAIMS_SCMAI/index.html
Professor Titi is a Full Professor in the Department of Mathematics and the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at UCI and is also appointed on the faculty of the Weizmann Institute in Israel. He has received numerous awards throughout his career. In 2004, Professor Titi was elected a fellow of the Institute of Physics (UK). Professor Titi has also won the prestigious Stanislaw M. Ulam and Orson Anderson visiting scholarships at the Los Alamos National Lab. In 2009, he received the highly prestigious Alexander von Humboldt Award for senior scientists. In 2011, Professor Titi won the SIAM activity group in Analysis of PDEs Prize. Most recently, he was named a SIAM Fellow for his work on analytical and computational studies of nonlinear partial differential equations with applications to fluid mechanics and geophysics.