The first UCI Mathematics Department Alumni Lecture will be on Tuesday, April 23rd.  Jiaping Wang will be the speaker. His talk "A Brief Account of my Life in Academia" will begin at noon in NS2 1201. Pizza will be provided.

Professor Jiaping Wang earned his PhD from UC Irvine in 1994 under the direction of Professor Peter Li.  He has since served at some of the top universities in the country. After earning his degree, he became a Szegö Assistant Professor at Stanford University. From 1996-1997, he served as an AMS Centennial Research Fellow at MIT. He then became an H. C. Wang Assistant Professor at Cornell University for two years.  In 1999, he became an Assistant Professor at the University of Minnesota and was promoted to Associate Professor in 2001 and to Full Professor in 2005. In 2011, he also became the Deputy Director of the Institute for Mathematics and its Applications at the University of Minnesota. He is currently serving on the Editorial Board of the Journal of Geometric Analysis. His research interests are in differential geometry and partial differential equations.


Tuesday, April 23, 2013 - 12:00pm to 1:00pm


Jiaping Wang


NS2 1201