Professor Emeritus Steve Roman (CSUF) is offering to teach informal classes over the summer provided there is enough interest. I pasted below the message he sent about this. Please take the survey at the bottom of the page so we can gauge the level of interest among students.


Patrick Guidotti.

To all new and continuing graduate students,
I would like to offer one or two informal classes over the summer months. By informal, I mean there will be no tests, no grade and no credit (and no pizza unless you bring it!). Thus, the atmosphere for these courses will be NO STRESS. Whether the courses run or not will depend on interest.
The first course is group theory. I will start from the beginning but cover more topics and in greater depth than is usually done in an undergraduate course, so this would make a perfect preparation for those who will be taking Math 206 in the Fall (get a step ahead of the game) and also a perfect refresher for those who will be taking Math 210 in the Fall (to impress your friends and instructors with your vast knowledge of group theory). The content is based on my new book on group theory. Come and enjoy the beautiful theory of groups in a relaxed environment!
The second course is category theory. This will be a VERY GENTLE introduction to category theory for anyone interested in the subject. This course is based on my recent Birkhauser book (2017) entitled "An Introduction to the Language of Category Theory".
Course times have not yet been set, but I would prefer to meet three AFTERNOONS per week for as long as people are interested. If you are interested in either or both courses, please let me know by email (below) as soon as possible (so I can prepare) and also let me know your available day and time slots so I can set times that are convenient for as many people as possible.
Thanks for reading,
Steven Roman
Emeritus Professor of Mathematics
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