Viscosity solutions for the two-phase Stefan problem


Norbert Pozar




Thursday, February 10, 2011 - 3:00pm



We study the two-phase Stefan problem that models heat propagation and phase transitions in a material with two distinct phases, such as
water and ice. For this problem, we introduce a notion of viscosity
solutions that allows for an appearance of the so-called mushy region. We prove a comparison principle and use this result to establish well-posedness of the viscosity solutions. As a corollary, we show that the viscosity solutions and the weak solutions defined in the sense of distributions coincide.

Longtime behavior of diffuse interface models for incompressible two-phase flows


Ciprian Gal


University of Missouri


Tuesday, January 26, 2010 - 3:00pm


RH 306

In recent work, we have investigated various aspects of the asymptotic behavior of solutions to systems that are known to describe the behavior of incompressible flows of binary fluids, that is, fluids composed by either two phases of the same chemical species or phases of different composition. We intend to give an overview on the following issues: existence and main properties
of (trajectory or global) attractors, exponential attractors, convergence to single equilibria, etc.

The structure of solutions of axis symmetric Navier-Stokes equations near maximal points


Qi Zhang


University of California -Riverside


Thursday, February 4, 2010 - 3:00pm


RH 440R

In this talk we present a joint work with Lei Zhen of Fudan University.

Let v=v(x, t) be a solution to the 3 d axis symmetric NS.
Let (x_0, t_0) be a point such that the flow speed |v(x_0,t_0)| is comparable to the maximum speed for time t

Strong Solutions to a Navier-Stokes-Lame Fluid-Structure Interaction System


Amjad Tuffaha


University of Southern California


Thursday, December 3, 2009 - 3:00pm


RH 440R

In this talk, I consider the existence of local-in-time strong solutions to a well established coupled system of partial differential equations arising in Fluid-Structure interactions. The system consisting of an incompressible Navier-Stokes equation and an elasticity equation with velocity and stress matching boundary conditions at the interface in between the two domains where each of the two equations is defined. I discuss new existence results for a range of regularity in the initial data and the differences in the exsitence results when domains with non-flat boundaries are considered.

Infinite-energy 2D statistical solutions to the equations of incompressible fluids


Jim Kelliher


University of California - Riverside


Thursday, November 19, 2009 - 3:00pm


RH 440R

We develop the concept of an infinite-energy statistical solution to the Navier-Stokes and Euler equations in the whole plane. We use a velocity formulation with enough generality to encompass initial velocities having bounded vorticity, which includes the important special case of vortex patch initial data. Our approach is to use well-studied properties of statistical solutions in a ball of radius R to construct, in the limit as R goes to infinity, an infinite-energy solution to the Navier-Stokes equations. We then construct an infinite-energy statistical solution to the Euler equations by making a vanishing viscosity argument.

Analyticity and Gevrey-class regularity for the Euler equations on domains with boundary


Vlad Vicol


University of Southern California


Thursday, November 12, 2009 - 3:00pm


RH 440R

We estimate the domain of analyticity and Gevrey-class regularity of solutions to the Euler equations on the half-space, and on a three-dimensional bounded domain. We obtain new lower bounds for the rate of decay of the real-analyticity radius of the solution, which depend algebraically on the Sobolev norm. In the case of the bounded domain, using Lagrangian coordinates, we prove the persistence of the non-analytic Gevrey-class regularity.

2D Boussinesq equations with partial viscosity terms on bounded domains


Kun Zhao


Ohio State University


Thursday, October 29, 2009 - 3:00pm


RH 440R

The 2D Boussinesq system is potentially relevant to the study of atmospheric and oceanographic turbulence, as well as other astrophysical situations where rotation and stratification play a dominant role. In fluid mechanics, the 2D Boussinesq system is commonly used in the field of buoyancy-driven flow. It describes the motion of incompressible inhomogeneous viscous fluid subject to convective heat transfer under the influence of gravitational force. It is well-known that the 2D Boussinesq equations are closely related to 3D Euler or Navier-Stokes equations for incompressible flow, and it shares a similar vortex stretching effect as that in the 3D incompressible flow. In fact, in vortex formulation, the 2D inviscid Boussinesq equations are formally identical to the 3D incompressible Euler equations for axisymmetric swirling flow. Therefore, the qualitative behaviors of the solutions to the two systems are expected to be identical. Better understanding of the 2D Boussinesq system will undoubtedly shed light on the understanding of 3D flows. In this talk, I will discuss some recent results concerning global existence, uniqueness and asymptotic behavior of classical solutions to initial boundary value problems for 2D Boussinesq equations with partial viscosity terms on bounded domains for large initial data.

Traps and Patches: An Asymptotic Analysis of Localized Solutions to Some Diffusion Problems in Cell Biology and in Spatial Ecology


Michael Ward


University of British Columbia


Thursday, May 20, 2010 - 3:00pm


RH 440R

Three different singularly perturbed eigenvalue problems in perforated
domains, or in domains with perforated boundaries, with direct
biological applications, are studied asymptotically. In the context
of cellular signal transduction, a common scenario is that a diffusing
surface-bound molecule must arrive at a localized signalling region,
or trap, on the cell membrane before a signalling cascade can be
initiated. In order to determine the time-scale for this process,
asymptotic results are given for the mean first passage time (MFPT) of
a diffusing particle confined to the surface of a sphere that has
absorbing traps of small radii. In addition, asymptotic results are
given for the related narrow escape problem of calculating the MFPT
for a diffusing particle inside a sphere that has small traps on an
otherwise reflecting boundary. The MFPT for this narrow escape problem
is shown to be minimized for particular trap configurations that
minimize a certain discrete variational problem (DVP). This DVP is
closely related to the classic Fekete point problem of determining the
minimum energy configuration for repelling Coulomb charges on the unit
sphere. Finally, in the context of spatial ecology, a long-standing
problem is to determine the persistence threshold for extinction of a
species in a heterogeneous spatial landscape consisting of either
favorable or unfavorable local habitats. For a 2-D spatial landscape
consisting of such localized patches, the persistence threshold is
calculated asymptotically and the effects of both habitat
fragmentation and habitat location on the persistence threshold is
examined. From a mathematical viewpoint, the persistence threshold
represents the principal eigenvalue of an indefinite weight singularly
perturbed eigenvalue problem, resulting from a linearization of the
diffusive logistic model.

The analysis of these three PDE eigenvalue problems is based on the
development of a common singular perturbation methodology to treat
localized patches or traps in combination with some detailed
analytical properties of the Neumann Green's function for the
Laplacian. With this asymptotic framework, the problem of optimizing
the principal eigenvalue for the each of these three problems is
reduced to the simpler task of determining optimal configurations for
certain discrete variational problems.


Speaker: Michael Ward (UBC). Joint work with Dan Coombs (UBC), Alexei
Chekhov (U. Sask), Alan Lindsay (UBC), Anthony Peirce (UBC), Samara
Pillay (JP Morgan), Ronny Straube (Max Planck, Magdeburg).


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