Limit stochastical differential equations (SDEs) for products of random matrices in a critical scaling.


Christian Sadel


U Vancouver


Tuesday, May 28, 2013 - 2:00pm


RH 340P

joint work with Balint Virag.

We consider the Markov process given by products of i.i.d. random
matrices that are perturbations of a fixed non-random matrix and the
randomness is coupled with some small coupling constant.
Such random products occur in terms of transfer matrices for random
quasi-one dimensional Schroedinger operators with i.i.d. matrix potential.
Letting the number of factors going to infinity and the random disorder
going to zero in a critical scaling we obtain a a limit process for a
certain Schur complement of the random products. This limit is described
by an SDE. This allows us to obtain a limit SDE for the Markov processes
given by the action of the random products on Grassmann manifolds.

Positive Lyapunov exponents for higher dimensional quasiperiodic cocycles


Silvius Klein


CMAF, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal


Tuesday, May 7, 2013 - 3:00pm


RH 306

Consider an m-dimensional analytic cocycle with underlying dynamics given by an irrational translation on the circle. Assuming that the d-dimensional upper left corner of the cocycle is typically large enough, we prove that the d largest Lyapunov exponents associated with this cocycle are bounded away from zero. The result is uniform relative to certain measurements on the matrix blocks forming the cocycle. As an application of this result, we obtain nonperturbative (in the spirit of Sorets-Spencer theorem) positive lower bounds of the nonnegative Lyapunov exponents for various models of band lattice Schrodinger operators. [This is joint work with Pedro Duarte.]


Absence of point spectrum for the self-dual Extended Harper's Model


Christoph Marx




Thursday, May 9, 2013 - 2:00pm


RH 306

An interesting feature of extended Harper's model (EHM), a generalization of the
almost Mathieu operator popularized by DJ Thouless, is the appearance of a large
regime of coupling parameters invariant under Aubry duality (``self-dual regime'').
In this regime, extensive numerical analysis in physics literature conjecture a
``strange collapse'' from purely singular continuous to purely absolutely continuous
spectrum, determined by the symmetries of the model.

Based on earlier work on the model [2], we have recently proven this conjecture [1]
by excluding eigenvalues in the self-dual regime for a full measure set of phases
and frequencies. The work is joint with S. Jitomirskaya.

[1] S. Jitomirskaya, C. A. Marx, On the spectral theory of Extended Harper's Model,
preprint (2013).

[2] S. Jitomirskaya, C. A. Marx, Analytic quasi-periodic cocycles with singularities
and the Lyapunov Exponent of Extended Harper's Model, Commun. Math. Phys. 316,
237-267 (2012).}

AC Spectrum for limit-periodic Schroedinger operators in arbitrary dimensions.


Helge Krueger




Thursday, March 21, 2013 - 2:00pm


We show that the set of limit-periodic Schroedinger operators with
purely absolutely continuous spectrum is dense in the space of
Schroedinger operators in arbitrary dimensions. This result was previously
known only in dimension one.
The proof proceeds through the non-perturbative construction of
extended states. The proof relies on a new estimate of the probability (in
quasi-momentum) that the Floquet Bloch operators have only simple

Complex one-frequency cocycles


Christian Sadel




Thursday, February 21, 2013 - 2:00pm


RH 306

We consider analytic cocycles of d \times d matrices. Such cocycles
appear for instance for the transfer matrices of a quasi periodic
Schrödinger operator on a strip.
We prove joint continuity (depending on frequency and the analytic
function of d \times d matrices) of all Lyapunov exponents at irrational
frequencies. Moreover, the so called accelerations (previously defined
for SL(2,C) cocycles by A. Avila) are also quantized at irrational
As a consequence, we obtain that the set of dominated cocycles is dense
within the set of cocycles where one has at least 2 different Lyapunov

joint work with A. Avila and S. Jitomirskaya

The Nevai Condition and a Local Law of Large Numbers for Orthogonal Polynomial Ensembles


Jonathan Breuer


Hebrew University


Thursday, February 7, 2013 - 2:00pm



RH 306

The notion of an orthogonal polynomial ensemble generalizes many
important point processes arising in random matrix theory, probability
and combinatorics.
This talk describes recent joint work with Maurice Duits dealing with
the fluctuations of the random empirical measure for general
orthogonal polynomial ensembles, on all scales, for both varying and
fixed measures.
We obtain a general concentration inequality and prove both global
(`macroscopic') and local (`mesoscopic') almost sure convergence of
linear statistics under fairly weak assumptions on the ensemble. An
important role in the analysis is played by a strengthening of the
Nevai condition from the theory of orthogonal polynomials.
No previous knowledge of orthogonal polynomial ensembles or orthogonal
polynomial theory is assumed.

Universality for subunitary random matrices and random orthogonal polynomials.


Ros Kozhan




Thursday, January 31, 2013 - 2:00pm



RH 306

We study unitary random matrix ensembles using the theory of
orthogonal polynomials on the unit circle. In particular we explicitly
compute the joint eigenvalue statistics of their rank-one truncations.
We prove that this eigenvalue point process is universal under the
natural scaling limit for a class of subunitary operators. Putting it
differently, we compute the limiting density of zeros of orthogonal
polynomials on the unit circle with random Verblunsky coefficients.
Joint work with Rowan Killip (UCLA).


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