Robustness of graphs/hypergraphs properties


Asaf Ferber


UC Irvine


Friday, May 1, 2020 - 4:00pm to 5:00pm



A typical result in graph/hypergraph theory has the following structure: Every G satisfying certain conditions must have some target property P. For example, a classical theorem by Dirac asserts that every graph on n vertices and with minimum degree at least n/2 must contain a hamiltonian cycle (that is, a cycle that passes through every vertex).

After establishing such a theorem, it is natural to ask how ``robust'' is G with respect to this property P. In this talk we discuss some possible measures of ``robustness'' and illustrate them with many examples.  




Long Chen


UC Irvine


Friday, April 17, 2020 - 4:00pm to 5:00pm



iFEM is a MATLAB software package containing robust, efficient, and easy-following codes for the main building blocks of adaptive finite element methods on unstructured simplicial grids in both two and three dimensions. Besides the simplicity and readability, sparse matrixlization, an innovative programming style for MATLAB, is introduced to improve the efficiency. In this novel coding style, the sparse matrix and its operations are used extensively in the data structure and algorithms.

Inquiry based learning workshop


Danielle Champney, , and Robin Wilson,


Cal Poly SLO and Cal Poly Pomona


Friday, November 22, 2019 - 3:00pm to 5:00pm


ALP 1700

Note the unusual start time and the unusual location!

   A.  Please bring a laptop computer or tablet if you have one.

   B.  Please watch this video ( It's only 4 minutes!

   C.  Please make an introductory slide here.

What is Reasonable? An Open Discussion on Expectations for Teaching Assistants


Jeff Ludwig


UC Irvine


Friday, November 15, 2019 - 4:00pm to 4:50pm


PSCB 140

In this seminar we will examine the question of "What is reasonable?" in the context of a professor's expectations for teaching assistants in the Department of Mathematics at UCI.  

We will break up into small groups; each group will be asked to determine the reasonableness of a particular expectation taken from an exemplary list and then present to the entire class a summary of its findings.

Furthermore, we will open the discussion to any particular expectations that graduate students have encountered that they found unreasonable, and the various ways for handling such situations.

Are most people reasonable? Be prepared to explore this question and candidly share your experiences.

The #1 job to take after graduation


Jen McIntosh




Friday, October 18, 2019 - 4:00pm


PSCB 140

Dr. Jen McIntosh is a UCI alum who started at the National Security Agency (NSA) over 15 years ago as an Applied Research Mathematician. Her journey with NSA has been typically atypical, in that most mathematicians have a world of choice and opportunities to explore as interests and mission needs evolve - whether math-y or not.

Currently she is in the Senior Technical Development Program (STDP), a mid- to late-career program designed to foster expertise in areas of strategic importance to the Agency. Her current passion is bridging math, psychology, business, and other areas that make up decision science - enhancing decision-making with information and data.

She'll talk a little about her journey, the diversity of mathematical fields she's practiced (from common sense to cryptanalysis), and she'll dedicate most of the time for questions about life at NSA and the wealth of career opportunities for mathematicians at any phase of their careers.


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