Classifying Ergodic Measure Preserving Transformations


Professor Matthew Foreman




Friday, May 26, 2006 - 4:00pm


MSTB 254

Many concrete deterministic dynamical systems exhibit apparently random
behaviour. This puzzle is studied my finding a time invariant probability
measure and discussing the statistical phenomenon using this measure. In
this way various systems (e.g. given by PDE's) can be said to be
"completely random" or "completely deterministic".

This leads to the project of classifying invariant probability measures.
The ergodic decomposition theorem shows that the basic building blocks of
these measures are the ergodic measures, which form a dense G_\delta set.
The equivalence relation of isomorphism is given by a Polish group action.
Thus the tools of descriptive set theory directly apply and one can show
that the action is "turbulent" and complete analytic. This precludes any
kind of recognizable classification.

This is joint work with Dan Rudolph and Benjy Weiss.

Ranks of elliptic curves


Professor Karl Rubin




Friday, April 29, 2005 - 4:00pm


MSTB 254

Abstract: In this lecture we will introduce elliptic curves
and some of the fundamental questions about them. The rank
of an elliptic curve is a measure of the number of solutions
of the equation which defines the curve. In recent years
there has been spectacular progress in the theory of elliptic
curves, but the rank remains very mysterious. Even basic
questions such as how to compute the rank, or whether the rank
can be arbitrarily large, are not settled. In this talk we
will survey what is known, as well as what is conjectured but
not known, about ranks of elliptic curves.


Professor Richard Palais




Friday, June 3, 2005 - 4:00pm


MSTB 254

In recent years, I have been thinking about
Mathematical Visualization, and developing a
program that does high quality, customized
visualizations of mathematical objects and
processes. I will demonstrate this program
and discuss some of the interesting and
unexpected ways that certain mathematical
theorems turned out to be just what was
needed to find fast and efficient algorithms
that solve a number of difficult rendering
problems. (Some of these rendering problems
involve seeing 3D objects in stereo, and I
will bring along the red/green glasses needed
for the demonstation.)


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