Stability of solutions of Ricci flow


Michael Williams




Tuesday, December 4, 2012 - 4:00pm to 5:00pm


RH 306

The Ricci flow is an important tool in geometry, and a main
problem is to understand the stability of fixed points of the flow and the
convergence of solutions to those fixed points. There are many approaches
to this, but one involves maximal regularity theory and a theorem of
Simonett. I will describe this technique and its application to certain
extended Ricci flow systems. These systems arise from manifolds with
extra structure, such as fibration or warped product structures, or Lie
group structures.

Minimal tori in S^3 and the Lawson Conjecture


Simon Brendle


Stanford University


Tuesday, October 2, 2012 - 4:00pm


RH 306

In 1966, Almgren showed that any immersed minimal surface in
S^3 of genus 0 is totally geodesic, hence congruent to the equator. In
1970, Blaine Lawson constructed many examples of minimal surfaces in S^3
of higher genus; he also constructed numerous examples of immersed minimal
tori. Motivated by these results, Lawson conjectured that any embedded
minimal surface in S^3 of genus 1 must be congruent to the Clifford

In this talk, I will describe a proof of Lawson's conjecture. The proof
involves an application of the maximum principle to a function that depends
on a pair of points on the surface.

Beyond the Willmore Conjecture


Robert Kusner


University of Massachusetts at Amherst


Thursday, June 7, 2012 - 4:00pm


RH 306

The squared-mean-curvature integral was introduced two centuries
ago by Sophie Germain to model the bending energy and vibration patterns of
thin elastic plates. By the 1920s the Hamburg geometry school realized
this energy is invariant under the Möbius group of conformal
transformations, and thus that minimal surfaces in R^3 or S^3 are
equilibria. In 1965 Willmore observed that the round sphere minimizes the
bending energy among all closed surfaces, and he conjectured that a certain
torus of revolution - the stereographic projection of the Clifford minimal
torus in S^3 - minimizer for surfaces of genus 1. This conjecture was
proven this spring by Fernando Coda and Andre Neves; they use the
Almgren-Pitts minimax construction, the Hersch-Li-Yau notion of conformal
area, and Urbano's characterization of the Clifford torus by its Morse
index. We will discuss what is known or conjectured for other topological
types of bending-energy minimizing or equilibrium surfaces, and how
bending-energy gradient flow might be applied to problems in
low-dimensional topology.

Khovanov module and the detection of unlinks


Yi Ni




Tuesday, May 22, 2012 - 4:00pm


RH 306

It is a long-standing problem whether the Jones polynomial detects
the unknot, and it has been known that the Jones polynomial does not
detect unlinks. In the knot homology world, Kronheimer and Mrowka
proved that Khovanov homology, the categorification of Jones
polynomial, detects the unknot. On the other hand, the question
whether Khovanov homology detects unlinks remains open. In this talk,
we will show that Khovanov homology with an additional natural module
structure detects unlinks. This is joint work with Matt Hedden.

Volume non-inflating property of the Ricci flow and some applications


Qi S. Zhang


UC Riverside


Tuesday, May 8, 2012 - 4:00pm


RH 306

We will introduce a volume non-inflating property of the Ricci flow.  Some of the applications include volume doubling property, uniform isoperimetric inequality, estimate of Kaehler-Ricci potential functions, gradient estimate without Ricci lower bound.

Local estimates in 3-dimensional Ricci flow


Guoyi Xu


UC Irvine


Tuesday, April 24, 2012 - 4:00pm


RH 306

We study curvature estimates of Ricci flow on complete 3-dim manifolds
without bounded curvature assumptions. Especially, from a more general
curvature preservation condition, we derived that nonnegative Ricci
curvature is preserved for any complete solution of 3-dim Ricci flow. A local
version of Hamilton-Ivey estimates is also obtained. Using that the nonnegative
Ricci is preserved under any 3-dim Ricci flow complete solution, we can prove the strong uniqueness of the Ricci flow with bounded nonnegative Ricci curvature and uniform injective radius lower bound as initial assumptions. This is joint work with Bing-Long Chen and Zhuhong Zhang.


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