Professor of Mathematics
Tel: 949-824-5379
Department of Mathematics
School of Physical Sciences
DSc. 1984, University of Strasbourg, Strasbourg, France.
Research areas: Statistics of Stochastic Processes and Math. Finance
Recent publications:
"(in collaboration with W.Liu, X.Huang) "Black-Scholes model
and Bollinger Bands\rq\rq , Physica A, 371, pp. 565-571 (2006)
"(in collaboration with Z.Y.Xu), "Sharp error estimate for
maximum likelihood estimator for nonstationary diffusion processes", Acta Math Sinica, Vol 20, 6, (2004)
"(Co-authors: Z.M.Qian and F.Russo), "Comparison theorem and
estimates for transition probability densities of diffusion processes",
Probability Theory and its Related FieldsŁ¬ Probab. Theory and Relat.
Fields 127, 388-406 (2003)
collaboration with Z. Qian) "Sharp bounds for transition
densities of a class of diffusions", Comtes Rendus de l''Academie des
sciences. Serie I, Mathematique (2002) 335 (11), 953-958
(in collaboration with Y.N. Zhang),
"Discretizing a Backward Stochastic Differential Equation" ,
International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences, 32:2,
103-116, (2002)
""Rate estimation for weak convergence of diffusion processes" , Skorohod's Ideas in Probability Theory,
National Academy of Science of Ukraine, Institute of Mathematics, Kyiv, (2000), 318-332.
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