Recent changes in the location of some Taylor Caldwell works
and moving from God-centered to Jesus-centered

Sometimes, you must say ''Thank you, Marjorie Taylor Greene.'' If she wasn't so damnably predictable in quoting TC, we might not see the persisting traces of TC's tropes from the decades following the publication of Dear and Glorious Physician. That was the turning point, after which TC unleashed her vision of the world, joined forces with the JBS (John Birch Society), and began her vehement denunciation of what was wrong with America by expanding variants on her conspiracy theories. There were others, of course: Father Coughlin (her predecessor), Robert Welch (her contemporary), and the quarter-century younger Phyllis Schlafly. It's hard now to see they rowed in a single boat: Voices on one coherent communism-hating mission with shots at whomever they chose as their personal enemies. With so much hate on so many topics, it is a wonder that it is the hate of others whom they say defiles America that survives today and not a coherent anti-communist ideology.

The Sound of Thunder and the five novels below represent a transformation for TC's writing from a God-centered to a Jesus-centered view of Christianity. In this newsletter, I only point to Open Road promotions substituting (and enhancing the presentation?) for previous eNet promotions.

The continuation of this newsletter and the production of the Part II Chapters will stress this turning point and its potential positives in bringing in voices in tying humanity to the mission of Jesus. Also, a discussion of why TC – despite the promise of DAG – failed to recognize what Jesus had achieved, herself.

In this short newsletter, I herald a recent event that is meaningful today in TC's publishing career. Click on each title for the Open Road Media catalog page link. From there, you can choose your desired retailer.
April 24, 2024 – this Wednesday, Open Road will have a sale of five TC novels brought over from eNet Press to Open Road Press at a special sales price:
With so much focus on Trump's Manhattan trial and its jury selection, the histrionics of the inaptly named Freedom Caucus, we have so many publicly declaring to be on the side of Trump's support of Putin. Since they can't quite figure out its logic, you might wonder how anything else can be heard above that din. Well, I persist. Especially with the promise of DAG. While Prologue to Love (1962) doesn't at first appear to be part of my theme – the story of a woman who cannot find it within herself to love anyone else – this does get to ask of humankind what exactly elicits serious, dependable love for another (and others) within them.

Go here for Amazon Sales:
There have been several reorders of the original stock.

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Michael Fried, Grandson
For the Descendants of Taylor Caldwell