Click on any of the [ 15] items below.

01-07-24AnnouncingEnoughLight: Announcing the first of two parts of a volume titled Enough Light to See the Darkness. I base this considerably on a document of 900 undivided pages – typed long ago – by my mother, Peggy Fried oldest daughter of TC and my grandfather, William Combs, TC's first husband and found after her death. 01-07-24AnnouncingEnoughLight.html

01-16-24BuffaloasaCharacter: Charles Krauthammer, a conservative commentator and opinion writer for Time magazine in the 1970s, once wrote an opinion column that started with this phrase:

We can't all have been in the Marines or grown up in Buffalo ...
It could have come directly from Taylor Caldwell's autobiography On Growing up Tough, in which she extolled the virtues of having a rough childhood and parents of the style she raised to a new level in her imitation of them. 01-16-24BuffaloasaCharacter.html

01-31-24TCandJesus-PartI: My phrase for TC's style of conservative is a TBD-conservative: Truth Be Damned. In her hands, this was no simple support for lying, rather the kind of conspiracy view of the world that never required any research or indirect support.


02-25-24SeekingDivineInspiration-PartI: What was in flux, because it took some time for those who wanted to be gatekeepers to his legacy, was what exactly was the heart of Jesus' legacy. Among the writings of the time it took a long time to decide which would be regarded as crucial.


03-15-24SeekingDivineInspiration-PartII: Since TC produced her novels at a rate that averaged once a year, and even the seemingly 2-year gap in publication date from SOT and Dear and Glorious Physician may be an accident of the two publications falling on year margins. So, it doesn't signify a special gestation period for DAG.


04-09-04AddendumDivineInspiration: Ross Douthat, a conservative writer for the NY Times started his article Can the left be Happy with the epiphany of Ta-Nehisi Coates – reading books about the ravages and aftermath of World War II by the historians Tony Judt and Timothy Snyder – realizing that he didn't believe in God.


04-24-24eNetPressbooks: Recent changes in the location of some Taylor Caldwell works and moving from God-centered to Jesus-centered


06-02-24TaylorCaldwellsMidcareerChange: St. Luke was searching to understand Jesus and what He had discovered about Man's connection to God. But I got that from the New Testament. What Luke got as a clue and wrote about in his contributions to the Acts of the Apostles was Jesus recognizing the commonality of all Mankind. While he didn't connect the domains of the whole world – DNA, stars, and minds – this was a majestic foray into the nature of the world, Man, and what God had wrought.


PartI-TBD-Conservative: The Table of Contents of Enough Light to See the Darkness Part I: The Launching of a Conservative Author (1900–1959). Only a close reading shows the extremity of her conservative nature, though – as witnessed by her daughter Peggy – it was a constant in her private life.


07-13-24TheJumpfromSOTtoDAG: The only biography of TC I know of was that written by the woman Peggy calls Sula (Soula) Chrysoula Soula Angelou. She was TC's housekeeper in the house where TC lived in Florida with her penultimate husband, William Stancell. Peggy, A once abused daughter, became a constant companion to TC in many places, but especially on several many-month ocean cruises aboard famous luxury liners. TC complains that she is alone in Florida unless Peggy visits her.


08-03-24SeekingDivInspOverview: Three themes in the Part II volume speak to what TC got right – though incomplete – and strike at our understanding of ourselves and the world.


08-15-24BracketingTCsCareer: Part II: Seeking a Divine Inspiration: Sometime in the late '70s, there was a common refrain that looking back at Jim Crow was ridiculous: so long ago, not relevant today, and, anyway, misunderstood as being much worse than it was. Thinking people know, for sure, that was ridiculous on all fronts, but it was compatible with TC's thinking.


08-28-24TheDeceptionsofPeace: My last newsletter didn't capture Taylor Caldwell's very different approaches to WWI and WWII. As the text part of Part II: Enough Light to See the Darkness, Subtitled: Seeking a Divine Inspiration, comes to completion, I found myself inspired by Elizabeth Samet's

Looking for the Good War: American Amnesia and the Violent Pursuit of Happiness.

09-23-24TheAfterwordofPartII: What was it all worth? Few would balk if I said of TC, "She was a complicated character." Ah, but I don't believe it. Without – at least as an adult – a Christian synaptic response in her psyche. Yet, she vehemently wrote as if she was driven by something of substance about Jesus.


PartII-SeekingDivineInspiration: The Table of Contents of Enough Light to See the Darkness Part II: Seeking a Divine Inspiration, the saga of Taylor Caldwell's relationship with her daughter Peggy on famous Ocean Liners following her success with the Dynasty of Death series.
