The model-theoretic study of operator algebras is one of the newest and most exciting areas of modern model theory and has already found nice applications to purely operator-algebraic problems.
The goal of this meeting is to help further bridge the gap between the model-theoretic and operator-algebraic communities, starting with explanations of the fundamental concepts
on both sides and leading up to recent developments demonstrating the symbiosis between the two fields.
The first three days will consist of tutorials in both continuous model theory and
operator algebras from leading researchers in their respective fields. The final two days will be a conference consisting of research talks.
Further details (e.g. funding opportunities, lodging, parking, etc.) will be posted on this site when they become available.
This meeting will be primarily funded through NSF CAREER Grant DMS-1349399 and is also sponsored by the Association for Symbolic Logic.
Please direct any questions to isaac@math.uci.edu.
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