Mathematical Papers on Genetic Algebras, not cited in, or appearing after Tian's NOTES
  • Mallol, Cristian; Micali, Artibano Sur les algebres de Bernstein. II. (French) [On Bernstein algebras. II] Linear Algebra Appl. 117 (1989), 11-19 (article) (REVIEW)
  • Durand-Alegria, Ana Isabel; Lopez-Sanchez, Jesus; Perez de Vargas, Alberto Zygotic algebra for k-linked multiallelic loci with sexually different recombination rates. Nonassociative algebraic models (Zaragoza, 1989), 101-117, Nova Sci. Publ., Commack, NY, 1992. (article) (REVIEW)
  • Mallol, Cristian; Micali, Artibano Sur les algebres de Bernstein. III. (French) [On Bernstein algebras. III] Linear and Multilinear Algebra 31 (1992), no. 1-4, 85-91. (article) (REVIEW)
  • Mallol, C.; Varro, R. Les algebres de mutation. (French) [Mutation algebras] Non-associative algebra and its applications (Oviedo, 1993), 245-250, Math. Appl., 303, Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht, 1994. (article) (REVIEW)
  • Fuenzalida, Ana; Labra, Alicia; Mallol, Cristian Orthogonality in WBJ algebras. Linear Algebra Appl. 196 (1994), 125-138. (article) (REVIEW)
  • Burgueno, C.; Mallol, C. Morphismes de Peirce et orthogonalite dans les algebres de Bernstein. (French) [Peirce morphisms and orthogonality in Bernstein algebras] Linear Algebra Appl. 219 (1995), 179-186. (article) (REVIEW)
  • Mallol, Cristian; Walkhoff, Alexander Perturbation des algebres verifiant x3=Lambda(x)x2. (French) [Perturbation of algebras satisfying x3=λ(x)x2] Algebras Groups Geom. 12 (1995), no. 4, 307-319. (article) (REVIEW)
  • Mallol, Cristian; Walkhoff, Alexander Classification en dimension 5 des algebres solubles verifiant x3=Lambda(x)x2. (French) [Classification in dimension 5 of solvable algebras satisfying x3=λ(x)x2] Nova J. Math. Game Theory Algebra 4 (1996), no. 3-4, 193-207. (article) (REVIEW)
  • Mallol, C.; Varro, R. Derivations dans les algebres de Walcher. (French) [Derivations in Walcher algebras] Nova J. Math. Game Theory Algebra 4 (1996), no. 2, 129-146. (article) (REVIEW)
  • Mallol, Cristian; Walkhoff, Alexander Sur les algebres verifiant x3=Lambda(x)x2. (French) [Algebras that satisfy x3=Lambda(x)x2] Nova J. Math. Game Theory Algebra 4 (1996), no. 2, 169-184. (article) (REVIEW)
  • Benavides, R.; Mallol, C. Pierce [Peirce] transformation, automorphisms and derivations in train algebras of rank 3. Algebras Groups Geom. 13 (1996), no. 4, 401-412. (article) (REVIEW)
  • Burgueno, Cesar; Mallol, Cristian Invariants dans les algebres de Bernstein. (French) [Invariants in Bernstein algebras] Algebras Groups Geom. 13 (1996), no. 3, 349-358. (article) (REVIEW)
  • Andrade, Raul; Labra, Alicia; Basso, Ivo Derivations in some Bernstein algebras of order 2. Algebras Groups Geom. 14 (1997), no. 1, 31-40. (article) (REVIEW)
  • Mallol, Cristian; Varro, Richard; Walkhoff, Alexander Classification en dimension 4 des algebres de Jordan de rang 3. (French) [Classification in dimension 4 of Jordan algebras of rank 3] Nova J. Math. Game Theory Algebra 6 (1997), no. 2-3, 113–126. (article) (REVIEW)
  • Catalan, A.; Mallol, C.; Costa, R. E-ideals in baric algebras: basic properties. Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc. (2) 40 (1997), no. 3, 491-503. (article) (REVIEW)
  • Benavides, R.; Mallol, C.; Costa, R. Weak isotopy in train algebras. Int. J. Math. Game Theory Algebra 8 (1998), no. 1, 1-11. (article) (REVIEW)
  • Burgueno, C.; Mallol, C.; Varro, R. Derivations de Peirce et une classe d'algebres de Bernstein Jordan d'ordre 2. (French) [Peirce derivations and a class of second-order Bernstein-Jordan algebras] Algebras Groups Geom. 15 (1998), no. 2, 239-244. (article) (REVIEW)
  • Burgueno, C.; Mallol, C.; Walkhoff, A. Algebres de rang 3 en caracteristique 2. (French) [Rank-3 algebras in characteristic 2] Algebras Groups Geom. 16 (1999), no. 2, 223-232. (article not available yet) (REVIEW)
  • Benavides, R.; Burgueno, C.; Mallol, C.; Costa, R. Some algebras of order 4. Int. J. Math. Game Theory Algebra 9 (1999), no. 3, 159-172. (article not available yet) (REVIEW)
  • Mallol, Cristian; Suazo, Avelino Une classe d'algebres ponderees de degre 4. (French) [A class of weighted algebras of degree 4] Comm. Algebra 28 (2000), no. 4, 2191-2199. (article) (REVIEW)
  • Mallol, C.; Varro, R. Conditions d'existence d'une loi de Hardy-Weinberg periodique dans des populations selectivement neutres. (French) [Conditions for the existence of a periodic Hardy-Weinberg law in selectively neutral populations] Nonassociative algebra and its applications (São Paulo, 1998), 439-446, Lecture Notes in Pure and Appl. Math., 211, Dekker, New York, 2000. (article is on its way) (REVIEW)
  • Benavides, R.; Mallol, C.; Costa, R. About x4=omega(x)3x train algebras. Algebras Groups Geom. 18 (2001), no. 2, 193-202. (article not available yet) (REVIEW)
  • Burgueno, C.; Mallol, C. Derivations de Peirce et structure d'algebre: complements. (French) [More about Peirce derivations and structure of an algebra] Algebras Groups Geom. 18 (2001), no. 1, 79-83. (article not available yet) (NO REVIEW)
  • Mallol, C. Sur quelques train algebres associatives non commutatives. (French) [Some noncommutative associative train algebras] Algebras Groups Geom. 19 (2002), no. 4, 395-408. (article not available yet) (REVIEW)
  • Mallol, Cristian; Varro, Richard Algebres de mutation et train-algebres. (French) [Mutation algebras and train algebras] East-West J. Math. 4 (2002), no. 1, 77-85 (article not available yet) (REVIEW)
  • Mallol, Cristian; Varro, Richard; Benavides, Raul Gametisation d'algebres ponderees. (French) [Gametization of weighted algebras] J. Algebra 261 (2003), no. 1, 1-18. (article) (REVIEW)
  • Mallol, Ch.; Varro, R. Algebres associees aux train algebres de rang 3. (French) [Algebras associated with rank-3 train algebras] Algebras Groups Geom. 20 (2003), no. 4, 443-450. (article not available yet) (NO REVIEW )
  • Mallol, Ch.; Varro, R. Sur la gametisation et le retrocroisement. (French) [Gametization and backcrossing] Algebras Groups Geom. 22 (2005), no. 1, 49-60. (article not available yet) (REVIEW)
  • Mallol, Cristian; Varro, Richard Train algebres alternatives: relation entre nilindice et degre. (French) [Alternative train algebras: relation between nilindex and degree] Comm. Algebra 35 (2007), no. 11, 3603-3610. (article) (REVIEW)
  • Mallol, Cristian; Nourigat, Michelle; Varro, Richard Sur les train algebres de degre quatre: structures et classifications. (French) [Fourth-degree train algebras: structures and classifications] Comm. Algebra 37 (2009), no. 2, 532-547. (article) (REVIEW)
  • (move to derivatins on Bernstein algebras) Bayara, Joseph; Conseibo, Andre; Micali, Artibano; Ouattara, Moussa Derivations in power-associative algebras. Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. Ser. S 4 (2011), no. 6, 1359-1370. (article) (REVIEW)
  • Mallol, Cristian; Varro, Richard Action du groupe des operateurs de gametisation sur les identites omega-polynomiales. (French) [Action of the gametization operator group on omega-polynomial identities] J. Algebra 375 (2013), 22-32. (article) (REVIEW)
  • Mallol, Cristian; Varro, Richard; Homogametisation d'algebres ponderees. J. Algebra 427 (2015), 1-19. (article) (REVIEW PENDING)