The Center for Cyber-Security and Privacy
of the Bren School of Information and Computer Sciences
at the University of California, Irvine

is pleased to announce its inaugural workshop:

Southern California Security and Cryptography Workshop

to take place on Saturday, September 24, 2005 at the University of California, Irvine.

The workshop is intended to foster interactions among researchers in security and cryptography in southern California and beyond.

Schedule (click here for abstracts):

9:30 Refreshments
9:50 Welcome
10:00 Eyal Kushilevitz, Technion, "Cryptography in Constant Parallel Time"
10:45 Russell Impagliazzo, UCSD, "Security amplification for unknown channels"
11:30 Michael T. Goodrich, UCI, "Leap-Frog Packet Linking and Diverse Key Distributions for Improved Integrity in Network Broadcasts"
12:15 Lunch Break
2:00 Ming-Deh Huang, USC, "The Discrete Logarithm Problem and Cryptography"
2:45 Giovanni Vigna, UCSB, "Testing intrusion detection systems using mutant exploits"
3:30 Refreshments
4:00 Rafail Ostrovsky, UCLA, "Private Searching On Streaming Data"
4:45 Daniele Micciancio, UCSD, "A modular approach to the random oracle model"
5:30 Picnic Dinner --- bring frisbees, a volleyball, ...

LOCATION: McDonnell Douglas Engineering Auditorium, on the UC Irvine campus, near the intersection of E. Peltason Dr. and Los Trancos Dr. (building #311 in E6 on the UCI Campus Map).

REGISTRATION: There is no registration fee. If you plan to attend the workshop, please send an email message to giving your name, affiliation, and whether you might be interested in joining the group dinner. This will help us to plan how much food to order.

FUNDING: Graduate students in southern California are welcome to apply for travel funding. Please send requests for funding to . We encourage car-pooling.

It now costs $7 for a campus parking pass.

ARRIVING BY PLANE: Southwest Airlines flies non-stop between "Orange County" and the Bay Area. The lecture room is a 10 minute taxi ride from John Wayne Airport (airport code SNA), Santa Ana, Orange County .

Stay tuned to this page for further information.