The conference was funded by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation.
Monday | August 31 |
8:30 | Shuttle from Wyndham Hotel |
9:00-9:30 | Refreshments |
9:30-10:45 | Daniele Micciancio on "Lattice Cryptography: Introduction and Open Questions" slides video |
11:15-12 | Dan Boneh on "Algebraic Multilinear Maps?" video |
12-2 | Lunch |
2-3:05 | Kristin Lauter on "Attacks on Ring Learning with Errors" slides video |
3:35-4:50 | Jeff Hoffstein on "Somewhat Homomorphic Encryption via Number Fields and Finite Fields" video |
4:55-5:10 | Andrew Pollington on SaTC and other NSF opportunities |
5:30-7 | Welcome Picnic |
7:15-8:30 | Open Problems session run by Daniele Micciancio |
8:30 | Shuttle to Wyndham Hotel |
Tuesday | September 1 |
8:30 | Shuttle from Wyndham Hotel |
9-9:30 | Refreshments |
9:30-10:30 | Koji Nuida on "A Simple Framework for Noise-Free Construction of Fully Homomorphic Encryption from a Special Class of Non-Commutative Groups" slides video |
10:45-12:15 | Antonio Nicolosi on "Cryptography via Burnside Groups" slides video |
12:15-12:30 | Group Photo |
12:30-1:30 | Lunch |
1:30-3:45 | Dan Boneh and Craig Gentry on applications of non-abelian groups, FHE, and multilinear maps video1 video2 |
3:45+ | Travel to Balboa Peninsula |
5:30-7:30 | Sunset Cruise (with pizza) in Newport Beach |
Wednesday | September 2 |
8:30 | Shuttle from Wyndham Hotel |
9-9:30 | Refreshments |
9:30-10:30 | Léo Ducas on "Recovering Short Generators of Principal Ideals in Cyclotomic Rings" slides video |
11-12 | Chris Peikert on "Recovering Short Generators of Principal Ideals: Extensions and Open Problems" slides video |
12:30-2:30 | Lunch |
2:30-3:45 | Oded Regev on an algorithm for the Shortest Vector Problem pdf slides Powerpoint slides video |
4:05-5:40 | Stacey Jeffery on "Quantum Homomorphic Encryption" slides video |
6 | Dinner |
6:40-8 | Open Problems session |
8 | Shuttle to Wyndham Hotel |
Thursday | September 3 |
8:30 | Shuttle from Wyndham Hotel |
9-9:30 | Refreshments |
9:30-10:40 | Mariana Raykova on attacks on multilinear maps slides video |
11-12 | Kristin Lauter on "Parameters for Homomorphic Encryption" slides video |
12-1:30 | Lunch |
1:30-2:30 | Ted Chinburg on "Capacity Theory and Cryptography" slides video |
2:45-3:30 | Open Problems session run by Craig Gentry video |
4 and 5:30 | Shuttles to Wyndham Hotel |
(optional) | For anyone sticking around, there's a First Thursdays Art Walk in the evening in Laguna Beach |
Apologies for problems with the audio on some of the videos.
Location: Natural Sciences II, Room 1201
Program Committee:
Craig Gentry
Daniel Kane
Kristin Lauter
Hendrik W. Lenstra, Jr
Daniele Micciancio
Alice Silverberg (Chair)
Local Organizing Committee:
Nathan Kaplan
Karl Rubin
Alice Silverberg (Chair)