Course Code: 45000
MWF 10:00 – 10:50 // MSTB 122
Midterm Exam: Monday, May 8, 10:00 - 10:50am
Final Exam: Monday, June 12, 10:30am-12:30pm
Instructor: Anton
Phone: (949) 824-1381
Office Location: RH 510G
Office Hours: MW 11:00am-1:00pm or by appointment
Teaching Assistant: Nishant Rangamani
Office Location: RH
Office Hours: Tu 12:30pm - 2:30pm, Th 12:05 pm - 1:00pm
Textbook (required): Theodore W. Gamelin, Robert Everist Greene, Introduction to Topology
Additional Texts (not required):
Additional references will be given for a few topics not covered by these books.
Grading: Weekly homework 30%, midetrm 20%, final 50%.
Homework 1 (due Thursday, April 13, to be turned in during the discussion session).
Homework 2 (due Thursday, April 20, to be turned in during the discussion session).
Homework 3 (due Thursday, April 27, to be turned in during the discussion session).
Homework 4 (due Friday, May 5, to be turned in at the beginning of the class)
Sample midterm (with short answers)
Homework 5 (due Friday, May 19, to be turned in at the beginning of the class)
Homework 6 (due Friday, May 26, to be turned in at the beginning of the class)
Homework 7 (due Friday, June 2, to be turned in at the beginning of the class)