The transformation theorem for type-changing semi-Riemannian manifolds


Louann Rieger


University of Zurich


Tuesday, October 17, 2023 - 4:00pm



ISEB 1200

In 1983 Hartle and Hawking put forth that signature type-change may be conceptually interesting, leading to the so-called no-boundary proposal for the initial conditions for the universe, which has no beginning because there is no singularity or boundary to the spacetime. But there is an origin of time. In mathematical terms, we are dealing with signature type-changing manifolds where a positive definite Riemannian region is smoothly joined to a Lorentzian region at the surface of transition where time begins.

We utilize a transformation prescription to transform an arbitrary Lorentzian manifold into a singular signature-type changing manifold. Then we prove the transformation theorem saying that locally the metric \tilde{g} associated with a signature-type changing manifold (M, \tilde{g}) is equivalent to the metric obtained from a Lorentzian metric g via the aforementioned transformation prescription. By augmenting the assumption by certain constraints, mutatis mutandis, the global version of the transformation theorem can be proven as well.

The transformation theorem provides a useful tool to quickly determine whether a singular signature type-changing manifold under consideration belongs to the class of transverse type changing semi-Riemannian manifolds.

Harmonic maps in general relativity


Sumio Yamada


Gakushuin University


Tuesday, May 2, 2023 - 4:00pm



ISEB 1200

Herman Weyl in 1916 described the Schwarzschild metric
by a single harmonic function with a pole.  Since then, the Einstein
equation with time symmetry can be regarded as an elliptic variational
problem, and I will report on the recent progress in this direction,
including a series of collaborative work with Gilbert Weinstein and Marcus
Khuri.  We will introduce spactimes of dimension four and five with some
rotational symmetries, and discuss the difference in 4 and 5, and some new
geometric consequences..

On the moduli spaces of ALH*-gravitational instantons


Yu-Shen Lin


Boston University


Monday, June 5, 2023 - 3:30pm


RH 340N

Gravitational instantons are defined as non-compact hyperKahler
4-manifolds with L^2 curvature decay. They are all bubbling limits of K3
surfaces and thus serve as stepping stones for understanding the K3 metrics.
In this talk, we will focus on a special kind of them called
ALH*-gravitational instantons. We will explain the Torelli theorem, describe
their moduli spaces and some partial compactifications of the moduli spaces.
This talk is based on joint works with T. Collins, A. Jacob, R. Takahashi,
X. Zhu and S. Soundararajan.

Special date/time and joint with Geometry and Topology Seminar.

The Curvature Operator of the Second Kind


Xiaolong Li


Wichita State University


Tuesday, May 23, 2023 - 4:00pm


ISEB 1200

The Riemann curvature tensor on a Riemannian manifold induces two
kinds of curvature operators: the first kind acting on two-forms and the
second kind acting on (traceless) symmetric two-tensors. The curvature
operator of the second kind recently attracted a lot of attention due to the
resolution of Nishikawa's conjecture by X.Cao-Gursky-Tran and myself. In
this talk, I will survey some recent works on the curvature operator of the
second kind on Riemannian and Kahler manifolds and also mention some
interesting open problems. The newest result, joint with Harry Fluck at
Cornell University, is an investigation of the curvature operator of the
second kind in dimension three and its Ricci flow invariance.

Quivers, stacks, and mirror symmetry


Siu-Cheong Lau


Boston University


Tuesday, June 6, 2023 - 4:00pm


ISEB 1200

In this talk, we will start by introducing quiver representations
and some of their applications.  Then we will review noncommutative crepant
resolutions of singularities of Van den Bergh.  We will find that the notion
of quiver stacks will be useful in unifying geometric and quiver
resolutions.  Finally, we will explain our motivation and construction of
these quiver stacks from a symplectic mirror point of view.

Stochastic Bergman geometry


Gunhee Cho


UC Santa Barbara


Tuesday, May 9, 2023 - 4:00pm


ISEB 1200

In complex geometry, the Bergman metric plays a very important role as a
canonical metric as a pullback metric of the Fubini-Study metric of complex
projective ambient space. This work is trying to do something really new to
find a whole new approach of studying hyperbolic complex geometry,
especially for a bounded domain in C^n, we replace the infinite dimensional
complex projective ambient space to the collection of probability
distributions defined on a bounded domain. We prove that in this new
framework, the Bergman metric is given as a pullback metric of the
Fisher-Information metric considered in information geometry, and from this,
a new perspective on the contraction property and biholomorphic invariance
of the Bergman metric will be discussed. As an application of this
framework, in the case of bounded hermitian symmetric domains, we will
discuss about the existence of a sequence of i.i.d random variables in which
the covariance matrix converges to a distribution sense with a normal
distribution given by the Bergman metric, and if more time is left, we will
talk about recent progresses on stochastic complex geometry.

Homological Mirror Symmetry for Theta Divisors


Catherine Cannizzo


UC Riverside


Tuesday, April 11, 2023 - 4:00pm


ISEB 1200

Symplectic geometry is a relatively new branch of geometry.
However, a string theory-inspired duality known as “mirror symmetry” reveals
more about symplectic geometry from its mirror counterparts in complex
geometry. M. Kontsevich conjectured an algebraic version of mirror symmetry
called “homological mirror symmetry” (HMS) in his 1994 ICM address. HMS
results were then proved for symplectic mirrors to Calabi-Yau and Fano
manifolds. Those mirror to general type manifolds have been studied in more
recent years, including my research. In this talk, we will introduce HMS
through the example of the 2-torus T^2. We will then outline how it relates
to HMS for a hypersurface of a 4-torus T^4, in joint work with Haniya Azam,
Heather Lee, and Chiu-Chu Melissa Liu. From there, we generalize to
hypersurfaces of higher dimensional tori, otherwise known as “theta
divisors.” This is also joint with Azam, Lee, and Liu.


Joint with Geometry and Topology Seminar.

Fundamental Gap Estimates on Positively Curved Surfaces


Malik Tuerkoen


UC Santa Babara


Tuesday, May 23, 2023 - 3:00pm to 4:00pm



ISEB 1200

The fundamental gap is the difference of the first two eigenvalues of the Laplace operator, which is important both in mathematics and physics and has been extensively studied. For the Dirichlet boundary condition, the log-concavity estimate of the first eigenfunction plays a crucial role, which was established for convex domains in the Euclidean space and the round sphere. Joint with G. Khan, H. Nguyen, and G. Wei, we obtain log-concavity estimates of the first eigenfunction for convex domains in surfaces of positive curvature and consequently establish fundamental gap estimates. In a subsequent work, together with G. Khan and G. Wei, we improve the log-concavity estimates and obtain stronger gap estimates which recover known results on the round sphere.

On Nevanlinna and algebraic hyperbolicity


Min Ru


University of Houston and MSRI


Thursday, April 20, 2023 - 4:00pm to 5:00pm



RH 306

Abstract:   Motived by the notion of the algebraic hyperbolicity introduced by X. Chen, we introduce the notion of Nevanlinna hyperbolicity for a pair of (X, D), where X is a projective variety and D is an effective Catier divisor on X. This notion links and unifies the Nevanlinna theory, the complex hyperbolicity (Brody and Kobayashi hyperbolicity), the big Picard type extension theorem (more generally the Borel hyperbolicity). It also implies the algebraic hyperbolicity. The key is to use the Nevanlinna theory on parabolic Riemann surfaces recently developed by Paun and Sibony. This is a joint work with Yan He.


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