UCI seal UC Irvine
Number Theory group
Toren Academiegebouw


Nathan Kaplan photo Nathan Kaplan
Assistant Professor of Mathematics
nckaplan at math.uci.edu
Number Theory, arithmetic algebraic geometry, coding theory
Karl Rubin photo Karl Rubin
Thorp Professor of Mathematics Emeritus
Distinguished Professor Emeritus
krubin at uci.edu
Elliptic curves, Iwasawa theory, special values of L-functions, cryptography
Alice Silverberg photo Alice Silverberg
Distinguished Professor of Mathematics and Computer Science
asilverb at uci.edu
Number theory, cryptography, arithmetic algebraic geometry
Daqing Wan photo Daqing Wan
Professor of Mathematics
dwan at math.uci.edu
Number theory, arithmetic geometry and applications
Joe Kramer-Miller photo Joe Kramer-Miller
Visiting Assistant Professor
jkramerm at uci.edu
Vlad Matei photo Vlad Matei
Visiting Assistant Professor
vmatei at math.uci.edu


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